"Sumi!!!" I say as if a train is barreling toward me.
"Whaaaat???" she yells back.
"American Idol is on!"
I try again...
"Sumi, American Idol is on!"
"Okaaay," that dipthong twang reverberating down the hallway straight into my piqued ears. The kind of response sure to make any mother mad.
I don't push; she's obviously preoccupied with music, homework, art.
But how did I end up on the sofa in the family room beckoning HER to the TV to watch American Idol?
Usually, in the evenings my husband, daughter and I watch PBS shows like NOVA, AMERICAN EXPERIENCE, or NATURE--you know, the one which captures penguins toddling over the Antarctica ice. We sit together, we learn, we discuss.
So how does American Idol fit into all of this? No seahorses, profiles of Jackie O, or rings of Saturn on this show.
I look back over the past few years and realize, at first it was our daughter Sumi who wanted to watch the tryouts. With all the blunders and ear-tweaking attempts at singing, we found ourselves laughing--and laughing was good for us. So we continued to watch. Pretty soon, the next season was upon us, and the next, and the next.
Before you know it, we're in it for the long haul. But along the way, we've slowly been losing Sumi. She drags in well after the show has started. She doesn't ooh and aah the way I do. (Husband is usually schnoozing after 15 minutes.)
Why have I stayed hooked? Because I like to see budding talent. I like to see people try and succeed. I enjoy speculating and choosing my favorite singer. It's not easy to get up on stage in front of millions and perform.
Though our family picture is changing with a growing daughter, my husband and I plunk ourselves down on the couch at 8 p.m. to watch Idol hopefuls belt out their best. In that hour, I am reminded of myself back in elementary school participating in a talent show with tophat, "tux," and cane in hand. I sang and tap-danced my hardest after weeks of practice: "There's no business like show business..." along with other girls in a group.
American Idol may not be mind-stimulating entertainment, but on the sofa I'll be each week to offer my silent support.
My Idol pick? Melinda Doolittle. She's smooth, flawless and has the composure of a pro. Just what America needs.
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